Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere Electrodynamics

MLTI-ED | Investigating the Electrodynamic Processes in the Ignorosphere

The Mesosphere, Lower Thermosphere and Ionosphere (MLTI) region constitutes a complex dynamical photochemical and electromagnetic system, which is sensitive to a combination of external factors: the incoming solar EUV radiation, as well as particle precipitation and large scale electrical currents produce dramatic effects in the MLT and significantly alter its energetics, dynamics and chemistry in a way that is not entirely understood. At the same time, the MLTI is the least measured of all atmospheric regions, as it is too high for balloon experiments and too low for orbital vehicles, due to significant atmospheric drag; it is thus sometimes called (quite appropriately) the “Ignorosphere” among scientists. The main objective of this study is to identify areas of large discrepancies between models and data and to provide estimates of the variability of the main parameters that are involved in electrodynamic and chemical processes in the upper atmosphere by using state-of-the-art models and datasets of the MLTI. Objectives of this study are also to identify measurement gaps, to propose measurement techniques to fill these gaps and to define the required dynamic range of instruments targeting to perform in-situ measurements in the MLTI. MLTI-ED is an ESA funded project.

Under Construction
Under Construction

Phases of the Project:

Under Construction

Key Greek Industry and Institution Partners:
Democritus LogoDemocritus University of Thrace/Space Research Laboratory (leader)
Athena_Symbol_onlyATHENA Research Center/Space Programmes Unit
apl LogoJohns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
fmi LogoFinnish Meteorological Institute